A rollover crash at a Moses Lake, Washington intersection left a female driver shaken but thankfully unharmed Thursday evening.
According to fire officials, the single-vehicle wreck occurred around 5:30 p.m. on Broadway Avenue near Harvest Foods supermarket. Investigators believe another driver failed to yield and struck the woman’s vehicle, causing it to flip onto its side.
The driver was transported to the hospital as a precaution after the jarring collision. Authorities assume the motorist responsible was cited, but details are still emerging.
While likely traumatic, officials say the woman avoided any critical injury in the devastating roadway incident. Her fortunate outcome serves as a reminder of the value of proper restraints and vehicle safety features when the unexpected occurs.
For the Moses Lake community, word of dramatic crashes on local roads always elicits unease. Police continue working to understand the circumstances surrounding the intersection collision that left a neighbor overturning in an instant.
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